Knight Inlet

Knight Inlet penetrates deeply in the mainland, which tempts one to reach its head and feel the power of vertical walls and glaciered mountains. Unfortunately, these walls funnel strong winds, usually outflows on summer days. The topography is not good for finding a place to anchor, although the head does have a couple of places with the right depth and good holding, but stern-tying is impractical. The prudent recommendation is to use Glendale Cove as your base and take a day trip further up the Inlet. The Cove is 20 nautical miles from the junction with Clio Channel. If you get lucky with the wind and current, maybe make it to the head and spend the night. You will not have privacy in Glendale Cove. Knight Inlet Lodge is located on the W shore. And, according to the folks at the Lodge, this is home to one of the highest concentrations of Grizzly bears anywhere. There is room for several vessels along the E side and near the estuary. If your course lies up Tribune Inlet, then Sargeaunt Passage is spectacular option from the main channel. There is secure anchorage at the narrows near the middle of the Passage.