Port Renfrew

There is no protected place to anchor along the 35-nautical mile voyage from Sooke to Port Renfrew, except the mouth of the Jordan River, but the highway bridge prevents larger or masted boats from finding refuge. The long, narrow bay at Port Renfrew (Port San Juan) offers protection from all wind directions. There is a Harbour Authority at Port Renfrew and rightly-named Pacific Gateway Marina, one of the Mill Bay Marine Group properties. Most supplies and services are available. As anchorages go, it has it charms, but the best lies ahead. The fishing is first class and we are not going to say that again; it just gets better as you go.

The next run for anchorage is 40 nautical miles to the mouth of Barclay Sound. Now you are getting into waters for which Vancouver Island is legend. Scenic, safe anchorages are everywhere. We highlight a few of the best.