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Where to Begin
Union Steamship Marine Resort, in Snug Cove on Bowen Island, is the starting point of your adventure. Snug Harbour is on the threshold of deep, mountain-lined Howe Sound, the southern most fjord in North America. This is where you will see schools of Pacific White-sided dolphins, packs of Harbour Seals and Stellar Sea Lions and the occasional Humpback Whale. We are only 8 nautical miles from downtown Vancouver, which makes us the perfect location for a weekend excursion.
When you see the charm of the village at Snug Cove and feel the hospitality we proudly provide, you will probably stay longer. Circumnavigate Bowen Island, take a side trip to Gibsons Landing or anchor in idyllic Smuggler Cove. The village offers a bevy of quality eateries and you can restock from the many stores. If you need to stretch your legs, hiking trails begin on the edge of the village.
Don’t have a boat, no worries. We are only a twenty-minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay and the ferries run hourly. We have a variety of accommodations. There are kayak rentals nearby. Beaches and hiking trails beckon.
Our snug and secure marina accommodates vessels up to 200 ft. You will love our moorage rates. We have a pump out station and our boater’s lounge is equipped with laundry, showers and free wi-fi. Our reception area and chandlery are handily located in a floating building. You will find most everything you need in the way of gear and fishing tackle.
Union Steamship Marine Resort offers a nearby, affordable experience of BC’s wild, but civilized, coast for boaters and motorists. We hope to be your starting point for leisure and adventure.
Crippen Regional Park