Pruth Bay

This anchorage is within the Hakai Luxvbalis Conservancy Area The conservancy straddles Hecate and Calvert Islands, south of Hakai Pass, on the west side of Fitz Hugh Sound, due west of Kwakume Inlet. The Conservancy is managed under an agreement between the Heiltsuk Nation and the Province of British Columbia to co-operatively attain conservation and recreation objectives for the area. The Hakai Beach Institute has a pier and research facility in Pruth Bay. The present trail from the anchorage at Pruth Bay to West Beach, located on Calvert Island, crosses land owned by the Institute. From the trailhead at the foot of the pier, a trail runs north along the shoreline, and then west around the north side of the Institute buildings to West Beach. Pruth Bay lies at the head of east-west Kwakshua Channel, secure in winds from any direction, except the rare nor’easter. There is ample room for several boats with depths of 3-8 m and good holding in sand and gravel. Pruth Bay and surroundings are known for excellent fishing, kayaking, scuba diving and beach combing. Hakai Lodge is nearby on the western side of Hecate Island.