This is the second-last over-night anchorage before the long run around Cape Scott to Hope Island. The relentless long Pacific swells reach even the deepest bay and going ashore to hike to Cape Scott trailhead or to Sea Otter Cove requires good timing. The fine sand beach, sea stacks and the characteristic pulse of swells striking low, rocky shores provide a sense of really being out there. And you are! Anchor on the west side of the bay no closer than a line between the western point and the outermost of two dry rocks at the eastern end of the large beach in 4-6 metres with good holding in sand. Sea Otter Cove (50 39.82 N 128 20.95 W) is just around the western point framing San Josef Bay. It offers better protection, except from southerly winds, but navigation through the entrance channel is tight.