Sechelt Inlet

Sechelt Inlet would be a popular boating destination, if reaching it did not lie through Skookumchuk Narrows. However, safe passage may be made at slack water. Passage should not be attempted at any other time. Once inside, the long, narrow inlet with two deeply penetrating arms, surrounded by impressive mountains, is your reward. You are more likely to meet paddlers than you are boaters at the many rustic campsites. Once you’re inside, might as well spend a few days exploring. If you are looking for the ideal place for a Spring or Fall excursion, Sechelt Inlet is ideal. Work your way south, winding up at Sechelt’s Porpoise Bay Public Wharf and famous Lighthouse Pub. Restock on fishing gear and much more at the Lighthouse Marine Store. Here is a sample of best anchorages on the way.