- A quiet beach on Galiano Island
- There are many beautiful hiking trails in the islands
- Ebike rentals in Montague Harbour
- Golfing on Galiano
- Enjoy island hopping, southern gulf islands
- Watch the horizon for signs of whales and other wildlife
- Sailing through Trinconmali Channel
- Exploring the islets in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
- Fernwood Dock on Salt Spring
- Kayaking in Ganges Harbour
- Exploring the shoreline in Ruckle Park
- Enjoying the view at The Crane and Robin on Galiano
- Orcas in Active Pass
- The Georgina Point lighthouse on Mayne
- Disc golf on Salt Spring
- The sea lion migration on Galiano
- There are many quiet coves to enjoy
- Dionisio Point Park marine access only