- Malcolm Island, moody skies
- Forest Boardwalk
- Humpback Feeding, Blackfish Sound
- Port Hardy RV & Resort
- Storey's Beach
- Mountain Biking
- Bere Point Sunset, Malcolm Island
- San Josef Bay
- Bere Point Malcolm Island - Last Of The Old Ones
- Ronning Garden, photo by Natasha Birsa
- Cuxewe Beach
- Surfing - Vancouver Island North
- Broughton Archipelago - photo by Michael Altenhenne
- Grant Bay
- Kayaking - Port Alice
- Beach camping under the stars
- Cape Scott swing
- Seine Boat Inn, Alert Bay
- Roxy's Diner
- Pygmy Owl
- Woss - Schoen Lake Provincial Park hikers
- Black bear cubs
- Grizzly Bear fishing
- Elk
- Cape Scott trail
- Bald eagle
- Woss - Schoen Lake Provincial Park