AHOY BC showcases provide a deep glimpse into what communities and regions can offer the visiting boater, plus…. how and where you can access experiential water activities with Instructional Charters.

BC’s Wild, but Civilized West Coast has amazing diversity with its geography, its protected coves and harbours, hundreds of picturesque islands plus the nuances of culture developed in a wide variety of coastal communities. 

When touring BC’s west coast on a boat, you are retracing the steps used by pioneers on a marine highway; access by road to remote areas on the coast was not available in many cases, not that long ago. 

AHOY BC Showcases point the way to layers of information and services developed in British Columbia coastal communities and Regions. Repeat visits become unique experiences when new services and activities are discovered and explored. AHOYBC.COM showcases feature map markers for easy location of services and include:

  • Services On the Waterfront with approximate time to reach
  • Services Further from Shore
  • A Range of Key Events for the community or in the region
  • Cultural Attractions
  • Food & Beverage locations
  • Image Galleries to provide a more complete view of your experience

Take a deeper dive into what you can discover:

AHOY BC Showcases – Communities

AHOY BC Showcases – Regions

AHOY BC Showcases – Get on the Water!

AHOY BC Showcases – Gateway to BC’s Coast