Campbell River is one of the most visited boating destinations on British Columbia’s coast. Small wonder! Our boater-friendly waterfront has 24,000 feet of berth space with every boater service readily available. Our waterfront is at the centre of the action, with renowned eateries, an eclectic array of shops, experiences to immerse yourself in indigenous culture, and much more all available within a stone’s throw of the downtown harbour. And with the Discovery Islands, Broughton Archipelago and the north end of Vancouver Island all a short voyage away, the possibilities for nautical exploration are endless. Oh, and we are the Salmon Fishing Capital of the World.
If you don’t own a boat, there are still lots of ways to get on the water. Kayak rentals and guided nature tours operate from Campbell River and nearby, ferry-accessible Quadra Island. There are many fishing and whale watching tours available from Campbell River, the Discovery Islands and Nootka Sound. And there are so many opportunities further ashore for authentic adventure experiences, eclectic shopping, fresh seafood and high-comfort accommodations.
Our backyard is no slouch either; hundreds of kilometres of hiking & biking trails are woven in and around the city. Geographically, Campbell River is at the heart of North-Central Vancouver Island and is surrounded by five Provincial Parks: Strathcona, Miracle Beach, Morton Lake, Loveland Bay and Elk Falls.

The maritime history of the port city is steeped in salmon. This is the birthplace of the Tyee Club. Tyee comes from an aboriginal word meaning “great” or “chief”, and refers to a Chinook Salmon over 30 lbs. When permanent settlement began in Campbell River and Quadra Island in the 1880’s, commercial salmon fishing competed with forestry as the top industry.
The region became renowned for sport fishing in 1896, when Sir Richard Musgrave published his account of landing a 70 lb Tyee with the help of three indigenous guides. To this day, this is one of the best places to catch salmon in the world, along with halibut, steelhead trout and other ground fish. You will feel our maritime history on the waterfront and view it at our Maritime Heritage Centre.

We know you will come to Campbell River because we are at the heart of BC’s wild, but civilized, coast. We sit atop the Salish Sea and are part of natural circle tour of its protected waters. The Discovery Islands, with their intimate solitude and many resort marinas, are at our doorstep. We are a strategic refitting stop on your way around Vancouver Island, to Desolation Sound, Haida Gwaii, the fabled Broughton Archipelago and Great Bear Rainforest or Alaska.
The heart of the seas has it all. Stay awhile, refit or make us your base for exploring and fishing.